Childhood Infection and Pollution (CHIP)

CHIP was a flagship multicountry research initiative of AGHC that aimed to reduce the infection and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) burden in children in slums globally via leveraging public-private sector partnerships. We utilized two approaches; One Health (i.e. human-animal-environment) & technology-enabled Citizen Science to co-develop behavior change and slum-upgrading interventions with the communities we work with. CHIP was operationalized by firstly undertaking a short CHIP Feasibility Study that involved training local community champions, 1-1 interviews with slum-dwellers & public/private sector actors, transect walks, social mapping & creative arts drawing activities with children. We rolled CHIP in India, Indonesia, and Chile and convened the CHIP consortium and workshops to improve research collaborations. Kaushik convened the first CHIP Workshop in Jaipur, India as the Co-Director of AGHC, India. Kaushik was also spotlighted in AGHC’s Who Works at Aceso Series for his contribution on 17 June, 2019.

Know more about CHIP: Consortium Overview; CHIP Publication


Children in Homeless Accommodations Managing Pandemic Invisibility Or Non-inclusive Strategies (CHAMPIONS)


Changing Pattern of Resistance to Antimicrobials in Patients of Enteric Fever in India in Three Decades: A Systematic Review